
Japan meets the Amazon on Avenida Paulista

Jul 13, 2021 · News Item


May 22: International Biodiversity Day

May 17, 2021 · News Item


Earth Day 2021 – Restore the Earth

Apr 14, 2021 · News Item


March 3rd: World Wildlife day

Mar 03, 2021 · News Item


SITAWI is appointed fund manager for the PPA

Sep 30, 2020 · News Item


Day of the Amazon - 5th September

Sep 04, 2020 · News Item


World Chocolate Day

Jul 13, 2020 · News Item


Knowledge Workshop at Jamari National Forest

Apr 27, 2020 · News Item


Message from USAID/Brazil Director Ted Gehr

Mar 24, 2020 · News Item


Trained Community assists in biodiversity

Jan 09, 2020 · News Item


Partners start Bem Viver project meetings

Sep 13, 2019 · News Item


PPA welcomes two new members

Aug 13, 2019 · News Item


International Day of Biodiversity

May 13, 2019 · News Item


Earth Day 2019: Protect our Species

Apr 20, 2019 · News Item


Information Request

Jan 18, 2019 · News Item


Partnership Platform for the Amazon Announces finalists

Nov 02, 2018 · News Item

Start-ups, community organizations, and impact enterprises geared towards forest conservation and social-environmental development are among those selected.

Liter of Light Helps Illuminate Amazon Communities

Oct 24, 2018 · News Item

The riverine communities of Médio Jurua now have access to low-cost, recycled and environmentally-friendly solar-powered lamps. With USAID/Brazil support, over ...

Workshop develops protocol to monitor sustainable pirarucu fishing in Amazon protected areas

Oct 02, 2018 · News Item

USAID partners the Ecological Research Institute (IPÊ) and Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) hosted the Second Workshop toward a ...

Investment in Brazil provides domestic returns

Oct 02, 2018 · News Item


PCAB’s partners gather to celebrate progress and discuss alternatives that join development and biodiversity conservation goals

Oct 01, 2018 · News Item

The Partnership for the Conservation of Amazon Biodiversity (PCAB), the consortium of partners implementing the bilateral agreement between the United State ...

US-Brazil partnership is extended until 2024

Sep 26, 2018 · News Item


New products will help visitor experience at Anavilhanas National Park

Sep 26, 2018 · News Item

Last June, interpretation specialists from USFS and Colorado State University’s Center for Protected Area Management joined the staff of the Anavilhanas ...

USAID PPA partners make the case for sustainable business in Forum of Impact Investment

Sep 26, 2018 · News Item

The Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) led two sessions at the recent 2018 Forum on Social Finances and Impact Investment in São Paulo June 6-7. The ...

Good news on Brazil nut monitoring: Best practives poised for replication in other extractive reserves - 02/2018

Sep 09, 2018 · News Item

ICMBio’s Robson Silva hit on an important natural resource management principal when he noted, “It is very important that the products resulting from ...

U.S and Brazil reaffirm partnership commitments to conserve Amazon’s biodiversity - 02/2018

Sep 09, 2018 · News Item

On March 7, 2018, Michael Eddy and Ambassador João Almino, the directors of USAID/Brazil and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) respectively, signed the ...

Quilombolas from Pará learn how to become “YouTubers”, sharing their perspectives from Amazon-based forest communities with the world

Feb 15, 2018 · News Item

Crossed by big rivers and home to indigenous populations and quilombola communities, descendants of escaped slaves groups, and located in the very North of ...

Community leader wins international environmental award

Feb 15, 2018 · News Item

A community leader in Pará was awarded one of the most important international environmental awards in the world for her critical role in a community-led ...

Partnerships were the central theme of ICMBio’s third national “best practices seminar” for the Protected Areas management

Jan 21, 2018 · News Item

The Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity (ICMBio) held its 3rd National Seminar on Best Practices in the Management of Protected Areas November 27 to 29 ...

Fifth anniversary of the indigenous land management policy

Dec 19, 2017 · News Item

Indigenous and socioenvironmental organizations, together with National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI) held a seminar in Brasilia to celebrate the fifth ...

USAID and private sector partners launch platform for sustainable development of the Amazon

Dec 19, 2017 · News Item

December 20, 2017 The Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA) was launched successfully on December 6th, culminating a year of coordination and planning. ...